Zip a dee do da!







Zip a dee do da!

We made it to Clover!! And performed in a high school auditorium that puts a lot of regular theatres to shame. I MEAN – WOW. So – A little back history on myself, I was a Secondary English Education major for a hot second before I quickly realized that was not** my path. But even when I was in education I did a lot of research on state arts programs (mostly Kentucky and Ohio) and was really concerned about funding being taken away from arts programs or just completely getting rid of the arts in school systems. I don’t know what is going on in South Carolina or Georgia, but I am beyond ecstatic to see such a huge fund going into these programs. I hope that more people can see that the arts are so important for kids, whether your particular student enjoys them or not.

Okay – Off my soapbox.

There were some really great kids who helped us load our set out. What usually takes us 1.5 – 2 hours took us 45 minutes. : ) HUGE shout out to them!

On our way down to Eatonton, I was talking to friends from Atlanta and they’d never even heard of this little town… So I was a little apprehensive. Come to find out that it is one of the cutest down-home towns we’ve been to yet. I had dinner with one of the guys helping us load in and asked him what’s cool about the town. I’m finding that a lot of people forget the cool things about their towns. Whether it’s because they’ve been around it their whole life or some other reasons – he actually told me some really cool things about Eatonton. Again, the building we performed in used to be a school, now an arts plaza (YAY ARTS!), his grandfather used to be the superintendent of the school, and he was very proud to be a part of the lineage of this town. There’s an Uncle Remus museum (the character who sings “Zip a Dee Do Da” – have fun having that stuck in your head now), and he made sure to note that when the Olympics were held in Atlanta, they ran through Eatonton. Just so we’re on the same page, Atlanta is 76.6 miles from Eatonton… I’m sweating.

But so – Eatonton, though small, has attractions like Bo Bice coming next month, a Michael Jackson tribute band, and us of course ; ) coming through. Little Eatonton is not so little, and is so very cute and friendly.

And to top our time there off… They put each of us up in our own VILLAS overlooking a golf course. Gosh. Life is so hard.

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